Pipeliners Mac OS

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Authoring YAML pipelines on Azure DevOps often tends to be repetitive and cumbersome. That repetition might happen at the tasks level, jobs level or stages level. If we do coding, we do refactoring those repetitive lines. Can we do such refactoring the pipelines? Of course, we can. Throughout this post, I'm going to discuss where the refactoring points are taken.

The YAML pipeline used for this post can be found at this repository.

Pipeliners Mac Os Catalina

Build Pipeline without Refactoring

When all the steps in the Pipeline have successfully completed, the Pipeline is considered to have successfully executed. Linux, BSD, and Mac OS On Linux, BSD, and Mac OS (Unix-like) systems, the sh step is used to execute a shell command in a Pipeline. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator 3.2.2029.1 Pipeline (Mac OS X) 533 MB. CrazyTalk Animator (CTA) is the world's easiest 2D animation software that enables all levels of users to create professional animations with the least amount of effort. With CTA3, anyone can instantly bring an image, logo, or prop to life by applying bouncy Elastic Motion. PipelinersCloud where Innovation meets Welders Ingenuity #1 Umbrella in the industry & Shipping Daily Cary's Welding Caps Softest lightweight & Shipping Daily Carbon Fiber 'Suga Scoopa' Lightest in the industry Customer Service is our #1 Priority Real Products for Welders. These tables provide a comparison of operating systems, of computer devices, as listing general and technical information for a number of widely used and currently available PC or handheld (including smartphone and tablet computer) operating systems.The article 'Usage share of operating systems' provides a broader, and more general, comparison of operating systems that includes servers.

First of all, let's build a typical pipeline without being refactored. It is a simple build stage, which contains a single job that includes one task.

Here's the result after running this pipeline. Nothing is special here.

Let's refactor this pipeline. We use template for refactoring. According to this document, we can do templating at least three places – Steps, Jobs and Stages.

Refactoring Build Pipeline at the Steps Level

Let's say that we're building a node.js based application. A typical build order can be:

  1. Install node.js and npm package
  2. Restore npm packages
  3. Build application
  4. Test application
  5. Generate artifact

In most cases, Step 5 can be extra, but the steps 1-4 are almost identical and repetitive. If so, why not grouping them and making one template? From this perspective, we do refactoring at the Steps level. If we need step 5, then we can add it after running the template.

Now, let's extract the steps from the above pipeline. The original pipeline has the template field under the steps field. Extra parameters field is added to pass values from the parent pipeline to the refactored template.

The refactored template declares both parameters and steps. As mentioned above, the parameters attribute gets values passed from the parent pipeline.

After refactoring the original pipeline, let's run it. Can you see the value passed from the parent pipeline to the steps template?

Now, we're all good at the Steps level refactoring.

Refactoring Build Pipeline at the Jobs Level

This time, let's do the same at the Jobs level. Refactoring at the Steps level lets us group common tasks while doing at the Jobs level deals with a bigger chunk. At the Jobs level refactoring, we're able to handle a build agent. All tasks under the steps are fixed when we call the Jobs level template.

Of course, if we use some advanced template expressions, we can control tasks.

Let's update the original pipeline at the Jobs level.

Then create the template-jobs-build.yaml file that declares the Jobs level template.

Once we run the pipeline, we can figure out what can be parameterised. As we set up the build agent OS to Windows Server 2016, the pipeline shows the log like:

Refactoring Build Pipeline at the Stages Level

This time, let's refactor the pipeline at the Stages level. One stage can have multiple jobs at the same time or one after the other. If there are common tasks at the Jobs level, we can refactor them at the Jobs level, but if there are common jobs, then the stage itself can be refactored. The following parent pipeline calls the stage template with parameters.


The stage template might look like the code below. Can you see the build agent OS and other values passed through parameters?

Let's run the refactored pipeline. Based on the parameter, the build agent has set to Ubuntu 16.04.

Refactoring Build Pipeline with Nested Templates

We've refactored in at three different levels. It seems that we might be able to put them all together. Let's try it. The following pipeline passes Mac OS as the build agent.

The parent pipeline calls the nested pipeline at the Stages level. Inside the nested template, it again calls another template at the Jobs level.

Here's the nested template at the Jobs level. It calls the existing template at the Steps level.

This nested pipeline works perfectly.

The build pipeline has been refactored at different levels. Let's move onto the release pipeline.

Release Pipeline without Refactoring

It's not that different from the build pipeline. It uses the deployment job instead of job. The typical release pipeline without using a template might look like:

Can you find out the Jobs level uses the deployment job? Here's the pipeline run result.

Like the build pipeline, the release pipeline can also refactor at the three levels – Steps, Jobs and Stages. As there's no difference between build and release, I'm going just to show the refactored templates.

Refactoring Release Pipeline at the Steps Level

The easiest and simplest refactoring is happening at the Steps level. Here's the parent pipeline.

And this is the Steps template. There's no structure different from the one at the build pipeline.

This is the pipeline run result.

Refactoring Release Pipeline at the Jobs Level

This is the release pipeline refactoring at the Jobs level.

The refactored template looks like the one below. Each deployment job contains the environment field, which can also be parameterised.

Refactoring Release Pipeline at the Stages Level

As the refactoring process is the same, I'm just showing the result here:

Refactoring Release Pipeline with Nested Templates

White rose (demo) mac os. Of course, we can compose the release pipeline with nested templates.

So far, we've completed refactoring at the Stages, Jobs and Steps Svante mac os. levels by using templates. There must be a situation to use refactoring due to the nature of repetition. Therefore, this template approach should be considered, but it really depends on which level the refactoring template goes in because every circumstance is different.

However, there's one thing to consider. Try to create templates as simple as possible. It doesn't really matter the depth or level. The template expressions are rich enough to use advanced technics like conditions and iterations. But it doesn't mean we should use this. When to use templates, the first one should be small and simple, then make them better and more complex. The multi-stage pipeline feature is outstanding, although it's still in public preview. It would be even better with these refactoring technics.

Download and Installation




The server and the desktop application require a Java runtime environment. Windows and Mac users do not have to worry about Java because it is included in the DAISY Pipeline installation. Linux users however are on their own. The minimum required version of Java is 11. We recommend installing Java from https://adoptopenjdk.net.


Pipeline 1 Command Line Tool

To download the Pipeline Core packages: which you should use if you are running the Pipeline via the shell/command line, or as an embedded service:

To get the sources and older versions visit Pipeline Core SourceForge Downloads

Pipeline 1 GUI

To download the latest version of Pipeline 1 20111215 with its cross-platform GUI:

See the release notes for more information and you can also visit the Pipeline GUI SourceForge Downloads to get older versions.


On Windows XP


The stage template might look like the code below. Can you see the build agent OS and other values passed through parameters?

Let's run the refactored pipeline. Based on the parameter, the build agent has set to Ubuntu 16.04.

Refactoring Build Pipeline with Nested Templates

We've refactored in at three different levels. It seems that we might be able to put them all together. Let's try it. The following pipeline passes Mac OS as the build agent.

The parent pipeline calls the nested pipeline at the Stages level. Inside the nested template, it again calls another template at the Jobs level.

Here's the nested template at the Jobs level. It calls the existing template at the Steps level.

This nested pipeline works perfectly.

The build pipeline has been refactored at different levels. Let's move onto the release pipeline.

Release Pipeline without Refactoring

It's not that different from the build pipeline. It uses the deployment job instead of job. The typical release pipeline without using a template might look like:

Can you find out the Jobs level uses the deployment job? Here's the pipeline run result.

Like the build pipeline, the release pipeline can also refactor at the three levels – Steps, Jobs and Stages. As there's no difference between build and release, I'm going just to show the refactored templates.

Refactoring Release Pipeline at the Steps Level

The easiest and simplest refactoring is happening at the Steps level. Here's the parent pipeline.

And this is the Steps template. There's no structure different from the one at the build pipeline.

This is the pipeline run result.

Refactoring Release Pipeline at the Jobs Level

This is the release pipeline refactoring at the Jobs level.

The refactored template looks like the one below. Each deployment job contains the environment field, which can also be parameterised.

Refactoring Release Pipeline at the Stages Level

As the refactoring process is the same, I'm just showing the result here:

Refactoring Release Pipeline with Nested Templates

White rose (demo) mac os. Of course, we can compose the release pipeline with nested templates.

So far, we've completed refactoring at the Stages, Jobs and Steps Svante mac os. levels by using templates. There must be a situation to use refactoring due to the nature of repetition. Therefore, this template approach should be considered, but it really depends on which level the refactoring template goes in because every circumstance is different.

However, there's one thing to consider. Try to create templates as simple as possible. It doesn't really matter the depth or level. The template expressions are rich enough to use advanced technics like conditions and iterations. But it doesn't mean we should use this. When to use templates, the first one should be small and simple, then make them better and more complex. The multi-stage pipeline feature is outstanding, although it's still in public preview. It would be even better with these refactoring technics.

Download and Installation




The server and the desktop application require a Java runtime environment. Windows and Mac users do not have to worry about Java because it is included in the DAISY Pipeline installation. Linux users however are on their own. The minimum required version of Java is 11. We recommend installing Java from https://adoptopenjdk.net.


Pipeline 1 Command Line Tool

To download the Pipeline Core packages: which you should use if you are running the Pipeline via the shell/command line, or as an embedded service:

To get the sources and older versions visit Pipeline Core SourceForge Downloads

Pipeline 1 GUI

To download the latest version of Pipeline 1 20111215 with its cross-platform GUI:

See the release notes for more information and you can also visit the Pipeline GUI SourceForge Downloads to get older versions.


On Windows XP

Once you have downloaded DAISY Pipeline 1 GUI for Windows:

  1. Launch the downloaded installer: PipelineGUI-versiondate_setup.exe
  2. Follow the installation instructions.

On Mac OS X

Once you have downloaded DAISY Pipeline 1 GUI for Mac OS X:

  1. Mount the PipelineGUI-versiondate.dmg disk image (with double-click or cmd-down).
  2. Make sure to read the README file.
  3. Copy the DAISY Pipeline 1 application to the folder of your choice

Note: the disk image comes with an installer for the external utility tools used by some Pipeline transformers. If you want to install these tools, launch the External Tools installer and follow the instructions.

On Debian

Users of Debian or Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu can install DAISY Pipeline via the ZIP file, but easier is to use the Debian package manager:

  1. Open a shell window
  2. Change to the directory where you have downloaded the DEB file
  3. Execute the following command:

The Debian package includes the desktop application, the server and the command line tool.

On Red Hat


Users of Red Hat or other RPM-based distributions can install DAISY Pipeline via the ZIP file, but easier is to use the YUM package manager:

  1. Open a shell window,
  2. Change to the directory where you have downloaded the RPM file
  3. Execute the following command:

The RPM package includes the desktop application, the server and the command line tool.

On Linux(es)

Once you have downloaded the DAISY Pipeline 1 GUI for Linux:

  1. Create a directory on your local file system where you want to install the application.
  2. Extract the content of the PipelineGUI-versiondate.tar.gz archive to the newly created directory.

Note: you may want to create a shortcut to the Pipeline executable for convenient access.

Guides are also available for installing:

On Docker

The Docker distribution is not available as a download on the website. It comes in the form of a Docker image that you can obtain via the Docker command line interface or as a specific version at https://hub.docker.com/r/daisyorg/pipeline-assembly/tags. After having pulled the image you're ready to run the Pipeline web server:

The Pipeline web application is available as a Docker image too. You can find the available versions at https://hub.docker.com/r/daisyorg/pipeline-webui/tags.

For running more complex configurations like these, Docker compose is recommended. Simply create a file called 'docker-compose.yml' with the following content and run docker-compose up.


Some packages include an updater tool that you can use for quickly updating your current installation to the latest version. The updater can be invoked either via the desktop application or via the command line. The desktop application has a menu item Check updates under Help. On the command line it is different for each platform.


Paths to third party executables are configurable in the Preferences dialog, in the Window menu item.

Note: on Windows and Mac OS X the installer takes care of setting the right paths and installing the required third party tools.

The paths that may be set are:

  • Temporary Directory—to store temporary files. This directory must be set, and write access to it must be enabled.
  • LAME executable—A path to the LAME executable which must be set if you want to run a script that includes MP3 encoding. Information on how to install LAME is available in Installing the Lame MP3 Encoder for use within the DAISY Pipeline
  • ImageMagick convert executable—A path to the ImageMagick convert executable which must be set if you intend to run the WordML to DTBook script with image conversions. Information on how to install ImageMagick is available in Installing ImageMagick for use within the DAISY Pipeline
  • SoX executable—A path to the SoX (Sound eXchange) executable used on Mac OS X for speech synthesis.

Advanced Configuration

Using a non-default Java virtual machine

In order to run DAISY Pipeline 1 using a non-default (not the one found on the system path) Java virtual machine (JRE), use the -vm [JRE path] command line parameter when starting the GUI.

Displaying the browser widget on Linux

If the browser widget used for the DAISY Pipeline 1 GUI doesn't work, it can be configured by following the instructions at eclipse.org.

Uninstalling the Pipeline

To uninstall Pipeline 1, simply delete the directory to which you extracted the Pipeline application archive during the installation process.

On Windows XP

Use the Pipeline 1 uninstaller available in the Pipeline installation directory.

On Mac OS X

Delete DAISY Pipeline 1 application from the applications directory.

On Linux(es)

Delete the directory to which you extracted Pipeline 1 application archive during the installation process.

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